
New FEI Veterinary Regulations Effective January 1, 2025

As an FEI athlete, it is your responsibility to be aware of and adhere to the FEI and US Equestrian rules. Below is a highlight of some of the key rule changes in FEI Veterinary Regulations effective January 1, 2025. The updated language is shown below in strikethrough/bold/italics. Please note that there are additional changes and the marked up FEI Veterinary Regulations can be found here.

Article 1004 – Prohibited Methods

  1. Horses are not permitted to compete in FEI Events:
  • with hyposensitive or hypersensitive areas of the body;
  • with a tracheotomy/tracheostomy (i.e. an existing surgical opening through the skin into the trachea);
  • following gene doping (i.e. the non-therapeutic use of cells, genes, genetic elements or the modulation of gene expression having the capacity to improve performance);
  • following any form of genetic modification;
  • following blood doping, or similar methods (e.g. ozone haemotherapy),
  • with any object that punctures the skin with the exception of wound closure materials;
  • wearing contact lenses unless permission has been granted from the FEI Veterinary Department;
  • if the hair on their limbs has been clipped and/or shaven at any point during the Period of the Event. Permission must be granted from the VC/VD by the PTV for clipping and/or shaving required for veterinary purposes, prior to any investigation or treatment taking place. Horses’ limbs may be clipped up to 3 days before the Horse Inspection using a blade that cuts the hairs no shorter than 2mm;
  • if the Horse’s sensory hairs have been clipped and/or shaven or in any other way removed unless individual sensory hairs have been removed by a veterinarian to prevent pain or discomfort for the Horse and if the hair in the auricles of the Horse have been removed or shortened within the rims of the auricle. Areas of hair that must be clipped, shaven or removed to allow veterinary treatment are exempt from this rule. As of 1 July 2021, Sanction 39 in Annex VI will be applicable; and
  • following injection and/or oral administration of ethanol and/or oxytocin. The FEI EADCMRs may also apply in the case of presence.

2. Horses are not permitted to compete if they have received any prohibited treatments in accordance with Article 1061.

3. Horses are not permitted to compete if they have received any prohibited supportive therapies in accordance with Article 1065.

Article 1060 Treatments with Non-Oral Medication and Therapies not Included on the EPSL Veterinary Form B

  • The Veterinary Form B is used to authorise treatments with non-oral medication e.g. injections, infusions and nebulisation, and therapies not included on the EPSL (e.g. rehydration fluids and antibiotics) during FEI Events.
  • The Veterinary Form B must be filled in and signed by the PTV treating the Horse before submission to the VC/VD for authorisation.
  • The VC/VD must provide a signed copy of the Veterinary Form B to the PTV who requested the treatment.
  • A minimum of 10 litres of rehydration fluids may be requested for intravenous (IV) use. The VC/VD must assess the climatic conditions and/or the Horse’s clinical condition prior to authorisation.
    • for Eventing, intravenous (IV) and nasogastric fluids must not be administered within 12 hours before the start of the cross-country phase; and
    • for Endurance, intravenous (IV) and nasogastric fluids must not be administered within 8 hours before the First Horse Inspection and not between the First Horse Inspection and the start of the first loop of the Competition, or between any phases of the competition.
  • Such substances may not be used between rounds or classes in which the Horse is competing on the same day or during the veterinary check rest during an Endurance Event
  • A Veterinary Form B is not required for the treatment of Horses with the following substances:
    • joint support: aminoglycans (e.g. Adequan), pentosan polysulphate (e.g. Pentosan), hyaluronic acid;
    • amino acids; and
    • injectable homeopathics.

Article 1061 Prohibited Treatments

  1. The use of Banned Substances is always strictly prohibited.
  2. The intra-articular administration of any medication is prohibited during FEI Events.
  3. The use of per rectum treatments is prohibited during FEI Events.
  4. The use of oxygen therapy is prohibited during FEI Events.
  5. Recent blistering and/or firing resulting in evidence of inflammation or hypersensitivity or hyposensitivity is prohibited.
  6. Horses are not permitted to compete after having undergone prohibited methods as described in Article 1004.
  7. The injection or infusion of vitamins and/or minerals during the Period of the Event unless in the event of an emergency where their use is to be supported using a Veterinary Form A.


  1. Horses must not be treated by injection or infusion with any substance not listed on the EPSL prior to the Competition on the day in which they compete.
  2. Non-emergency treatments must not be administered when the FEI Stables Area is closed.
  3. In the event of an emergency or on-going treatment, Horses may be treated with injectable or infused Controlled Medication Substances or antibiotics on the day in which they compete. Prior authorisation must be obtained from the VD and GJ as described in Articles 1059 and 1060.
  4. Same-day medication is subject to routine checks by the VC/VD, Stewards and other FEI Officials.
  5. Disciplinary actions will be taken against PTVs who administer unauthorised same-day medication. Sanctions will be issued according to Annex VI and/or issued in accordance with the EADCMRs.

Article 1002 – RECORDING THE EQUINE INFLUENZA VACCINATION IN FEI HORSE APP STARTS FEBRUARY 1, 2025 (Additional instructions to be forwarded once received from the FEI)

  1. All laboratory tests for infectious disease testing required by government legislation, must be recorded in the Passport.
  2. All Horses entering the FEI Stables Area and/or participating in FEI Events must be vaccinated against equine influenza, according to Article 1003.
  3. All Horses entering the FEI Stables Area must be FEI-registered Horses. They must comply with the equine influenza vaccination requirements as described in Article 1003, undergo an Examination on Arrival and comply with any additional health requirement.
  4. Exceptions from the influenza vaccination requirements may be granted by the FEI Veterinary Department and where national legislation states otherwise which shall only be applicable to Horses competing in that nation.
  5. All information concerning vaccinations must be written in the Horse’s Passport in the roman alphabet.
  6. Vaccinations administered against Equine Influenza and other equine infectious diseases must be entered in the Horse’s Passport on the correct vaccination page. Equine influenza vaccination details must also be recorded in the FEI HorseApp, as of 1 February 2025.

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